All-In-One Super & Sub Structure Design

Bridge Design , Soil Structure Interaction , AASHTO , Tutorial , Feature .

1 min read

Author: Edgar de los Santos

Publish Date: 31 May, 2019






Licensed-Bridge Model-MIDASoft


Every structural system includes a load transfer from the superstructure to the ground. The group of elements used to make that transfer is called substructure. This group is one of the main components of a structure and should be treated as one.

Even though the substructure plays a major role in the behavior of the entire structural system, many times it is not given its importance. Usually, things like soil behavior, structure flexibility and the substructure location in the structural system are ignored when performing the finite elements model to analyze/design the substructure. Since these things are ignored the results are not as accurate, leading to a more conservative design which ends up increasing the cost of the structure.
For this reason, we have created a training session to cover the importance of the substructure and how we can improve its analysis focusing on the following key points:

-Accurate results: substructure and superstructure in the same model.
-Soil-Structure Interaction
-Design of substructure


Presentation Slides




The training will cover the above technical issues in an all-in-one program. Engineers who have any interest in bridges and soil-structure interaction should attend this training to learn about substructure analysis, design and how to produce a more accurate results. During this training, greater emphasis will be put in the modeling and design.



Licensed-Substructure Series-MIDASoft


Click here to go to the session 1

Click here to go to the session 2 

Click here to go to the session 3





Speaker :  Edgar de los Santos

Category : Bridge

Software : midas Civil

Date : 2016-09-29



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