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NFX 2012 provides excellent convergence and effectively calculates material, geometric and contact nonlinear analyses.
Material nonlinearity
- Material models: elastoplastic, hyperelastic
- Hardening behaviors: isotropic, kinematic, combined
- Hyperelastic material models: Mooney-Rivlin, Neo-Hookean, Polymoial, Ogden, Blatz-Ko, etc.
Geometric nonlinearity
- Large displacement and large rotation considered using the Updated Lagrangian method
- Follower force: pressure, gravity force, concentrated load, etc.
Contact nonlinearity
- Three-dimensional surface-surface contact, single surface contact
- Contact behaviors: single-body motion, sliding, rough contact, general contact, interpolation link, friction
Various load increments
- Automatic load increments
- Quasi-static load increments using functions
Various iterative methods, stiffness update method and convergence criterion method
Composition of continuous/independent load conditions
Status of convergence and interim results during analysis, re-analysis (restart)