Detail of this Session
By using explicit time integration, NFX 2012 effectively calculates complex material, geometric and contact nonlinear phenomena of large scale assembly models. Accurate analysis can be conveniently carried out using various element types including hexahedron elements, pyramid elements and higher-order tetrahedron elements.
Diverse nonlinearity
- Material nonlinearity: elastoplastic, hyperelastic (Mooney-Rivlin, Neo-Hookean, Polymoial, Ogden, Blatz-Ko, etc.) models
- Geometric nonlinearity: large displacement, large rotation, follower force
- Contact nonlinearity: various contact behaviors considering three-dimensional contact and friction
Mass scale
- Scaling by individual element groups
- Time step based mass adjustment
Automatic calculation of safe time step by elements
Checking the status of convergence and results in the interim steps during analysis
Restart function using subcases and parallel processing function using multi-cores
To know more about midas NFX: