Project Applications

Sunshine Vale of the Axis (Expo Axis)


Shanghai, China


Shanghai World EXPO Land Holding

General Contractor

Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic


SBA / Hong Li, Bianca Nitsch

Engineering Consultant

Knippers Helbig

Construction Period

2006 - 2010

Type of Project

Exhibition Structure

Size of Structure

45m Height

Main features used in this application Irregular geometry generation & auto-mesh with midas FX+ Linear static analysis with finite elements Linear dynamic analysis with response spectrum

Description on this project


The landmark of the Expo Shanghai 2010 is at the central boulevard. It forms the central entrance area and provides 350,000㎡
effective area for numerous facilities for the exposition. It has a height of 35m and a free projection of 70m. These are called sun valleys direct natural light into the basements. The Expo Boulevard is one of five buildings, which remain after the world exposition to form the center of a new urban district of Shanghai in the long run.



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sunshine vale of the axis





Project Contact Knippers Helbig
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    75 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004, USA

  • Introduction

    Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering is a nationally and internationally consulting engineering practice with a multidisciplinary team of civil and structural engineers, architects and facade engineers. The company offers a comprehensive range of services for structural engineering, facade design and geometric consulting for architecturally challenging building and bridge projects.

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