2 min read

Author: Fiona Tian

Publish Date: 27 Aug, 2019

In our first synergy series blog (MIDAS' CORE VALUE 1 - SYNERGY), we mentioned that one of the core values at Midas is synergy.


So what is synergy? It derives from the Greek word, 'sunergos.' Where 'sun' means together and 'ergon

means work; so together it says, 'working together.'


Synergy usually arises when two or more persons with different complementary skills cooperate. In business, the cooperation of people with organizational and technical skills happens very often. In general, the most common reason people work together is because it makes realizing a goal much simpler. Synergy is all about building a brilliant team to achieve the collective dream.




The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual.     - Vince Lombardi


On the last day of each month, MIDASoft has a workshop to reflect and recognize self-development during the month. Each member has the floor to present what they found about themselves, why it impacted their performance, and how it was overcome. It is an excellent opportunity to connect with a different perspective. Ultimately, helping the team understand each other and work better together!


Recognize ⇒ Accept/Understand ⇒ Improve it


I would like to share one of our team member's, we'll call him B, experience. Last month was his son's first birthday and in Korean tradition, the first birthday is a significant celebration liking to a small-scale wedding. As with any event/party, the majority of the work happens before the event itself. It's at this stage that I would like to focus on B's story.


B and his wife tasked it upon themselves for a DIY (do-it-yourself) party. Novelty idea, however, the week of the party they hit a bump in their plans. While they were hand-making the decorations, B had injured his hand and required medical attention. Just for the record, B is doing well and recovering now. Though, for the next few weeks, B's arm was immobilized, subsequently preventing him from using his hands. As mentioned earlier, he and his wife were 'hand-making' all the decorations; therein lies the problem.


B realized it would be impossible to finish all the work themselves. They brainstormed alternative ideas, but there simply wasn't enough time and budget to change their plans a day before the party. It was at this time his wife said to him, "You can do something but not everything." At those words, he changed his approach and decided to alter the plan a bit


The next few phone calls he made were to his closest friends. As it turns out, B had some terrific friends. Within the night, the friends had come together and had the entire event space ready. As with any good story, the party ended up being fantastic. Many friends and family (127 guests) had come to celebrate their son's first birthday, including the entire MIDAS team. And as you know it, no one but B and his wife knew how different yet perfect the decorations came out than their initial plan.


The lesson B learned was #1 - Asses the situation and be flexible in finding the solution. #2 - B's friends were all willing to help a friend in need to get the work done. It's so true, everyone has their own limitations; however, when a group of individuals shares the same vision and goal, it forms a team. B's  wife and friends displayed the classic definition of synergy and what it can do. 



B's story reminds me of Midas Total Service System. MIDAS TSS provides a variety of technical solution you may face during the project, regardless of challenges, you will be able to overcome through flexible software assets. Each software supplements and compliments your project without losing your work or backtracking. Furthermore, MIDAS TSS offers a fraction of cost compared to individually purchasing software. Maximize your potential with Midas Total Solution Services. You can learn more from Midas web. And let us know your thoughts about this blog.


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