MIDASoft - Bridge Library

SSI & Capacity Assessment: Large-Scale Existing Movable Bridge Caisson

Written by Michael Roberts | Nov 11, 2018 3:00:00 PM





Purpose of the Webinar
The purpose of this webinar is to go over the followings:
- Thorough comparison of multiple SSI tools based on project-specific case study results
- Evaluation of the formulations behind Midas Civil’s integrated SSI module for analyzing piled foundations
- Review of Midas Civil and other software tools, for the SSI analysis of an existing deep foundation caisson subject to large, extreme event lateral loading demand (primarily Vessel Collison)
- How to evaluate ultimate lateral capacity of a large-scale pier and caisson structure in soft soils subject to non-linear behavior;
- The strengths, limitations, and adaptability of soil structure interaction tools with conventional SSI approaches to non-conventional conditions

Outline of the Webinar
- Scope and demand of the project case study
- Review of the challenges, approaches and methodologies for assessing the ultimate lateral capacity of an existing bridge deep foundation.
- Review of the theories of midas Civil SSI module
- Review the capabilities and limitations of conventional approaches to SSI in general and how to account for them in midas Civil
- Comparison of multiple SSI tools based on project-specific case study results



Presentation Slides



Caisson Push Over Response Result



Soil Structure Interaction in midas Civil



SSI MIDAS P-Modifiers





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Speaker :  Michael Roberts, PE, SE, ENV-SP

Category : Bridge

Software : midas Civil

Date : 2016-03-24