Live Load Analysis Training

Live Load Analysis , Feature .

1 min read

Author: MIDASoft

Publish Date: 11 Nov, 2018







Purpose of the Training
The purpose of this training is to address how to perform moving load analysis for any bridge type. Attendees will gain understanding on how to set up moving load cases with traffic lanes and vehicles. We will also cover how your setup will affect your moving load result values by going over some case studies. Finally, there will also be an interactive study of moving load result values generated from midas Civil and AASHTO LRFD.



Key Feature
Definition of traffic lanes and vehicles
- The number of Traffic Lanes/width of the traffic design lanes/Traffic Optimization
- Design Truck/Permit Truck/User-defined Truck

Moving Load Case definition
- Generation of moving load cases with the predefined vehicles and traffic lanes
- The number of cases depending on the turning on/off “combined” and “independent "option

Moving Load Analysis
- Moving Load Tracer
- Distribution factor consideration per AASHTO using MCT Shell


The attendees can take advantage of how moving load is applied into midasCivil per AASHTO LRFD.
- Study the application principle of moving load in midasCivil
- How to properly set up moving load cases without errors.






Speaker :  Jinho Ko

Category : Bridge

Software : midas Civil

Date : 2015-10-29



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