Do You Know the Process of Segmental Bridge in 3D FEM?

Post-tensioned .

A super quick read.

Author: Edgar de los Santos

Publish Date: 17 Apr, 2019


Presentation Overview

3D finite element models have become the industry standard for segmental bridge engineering. These 3D finite element software solve the complex numerical problems by setting up, solving and visualizing

the solutions. When using these tools, there are universally established steps and processes to

complete the model: superstructure and substructure modeling,reviewing the moments and shear forces, construction stage analysis, range of allowable stresses, serviceability checks and long term effects, to name just a few. This new series will focus on what engineers need to consider while using a 3D finite element software for designing segmental bridges.


1-1-1-1 Licensed-3D_FEM-MIDASoft




Speaker :  Edgar de los Santos

Category : Bridge

Software : midas Civil

Date : 2019-04-17



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