MIDASoft - Bridge Library

Refined FEA Analysis: The Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge (Q Bridge)

Written by Daniel Mariscal | Mar 3, 2019 3:00:00 PM



Purpose of the Webinar
The presentation is on the “Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge (Q-Bridge) – Transverse Design Review and Load Rating”. The Q-Bridge is the first “extradosed” cable-stayed bridge built in the USA. First, the presentation will provide an overview of the project characteristics of the extradosed cable-stayed bridge.

During the erection of the bridge, midas FEA was used to review the transverse analysis, and also to perform the transverse load rating. Important aspects of the analysis and design for this project as shown below will be discussed during the webinar:

• Construction Stage Analysis
• Transverse Internal and External Post-Tensioning Distribution
• Transverse Dishing Effect
• Stay-Cable Introduction Forces at Diaphragms
• Shear Distribution among Webs
• Transverse Distribution of Live Load to Webs









Speaker :  Daniel Mariscal, PE

Category : Bridge

Software : midas FEA

Date : 2018-07-23