Webinar: Redundancy Analysis of Twin Steel Box Girder Bridges

Webinar , midas FEA , Research Paper .

1 min read

Author: Daniel Mariscal

Publish Date: 19 Oct, 2020

Demonstrating redundancy for a dual steel box girder system involves in-depth structural analysis and may require enhancements to certain structural details. The benefit is that structures if proven redundant, can be maintained as non-fracture critical. But how to find out if your bridge is redundant or not? Daniel Mariscal will present the Redundancy Evaluation of two twin box flyover structures for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT ). He will explain why he selected Midas FEA for this project and how to apply redundancy analysis in Midas FEA.    




The content of this presentation

  • Redundancy Overview
    • Defining Structural Redundancy
    • Importance of Redundancy
  • WisDOT Redundancy Evaluation
    • UT Physical Research Model
    • Methodology to Determine Redundancy Status
    • Midas FEA Modeling for Redundancy Evaluation
  • Q&A Session

Speaker Information


Daniel Mariscal, P.E.


Daniel Mariscal, P.E., is a Senior Structural Engineer at AECOM (Tempa, FL) with experience in preliminary and final bridge design in both steel and concrete. He has been active in several bridge design projects, including segmental concrete structures, steel box girders, and long-span cable-stayed bridges. His technical expertise includes structural analysis and design with an emphasis on computer modeling and diverse computer applications. He has also experienced in time-dependent and linear and non-linear finite element analysis.


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