MIDASoft - Bridge Library

Practical Modeling for Cable Stayed Bridge with Staged Sequencing

Written by MIDASoft | Nov 11, 2018 3:00:00 PM






Auto generation of a cable stayed bridge model
1. Auto set of a geometry of bridge
2. Production of multiple cables, deck, and pylon
3. Auto generation of construction stage pretensions using the tensions in the completed state [Linear & Nonlinear]
4. Behaviors of key segments in real construction reflected
5. Large displacement analysis reflecting creep & Shrinkage

Forward Staged analysis using the pretensions in the completed state
1. Auto calculation of erection pretensions by entering only the pretensions of the completed state & adding Lack of fit force without having to perform backward analysis
2. Applicable for both large displacement and small displacement analyses
3. initial equilibrium state analysis reflecting the behaviors of the closure of key segments during erection
4. Auto calculation of construction stage pretensions accounting for creep & Shrinkage

Cable Force Optimization
1. Unknown Load Factor
- Calculation of pretensions using object functions
- Optimal Tension cable fund Satisfying Constrains
2. Cable Tuning Forces
- More sophisticated tuning functions (Influence line of each Cable element)
- Various constrains are considered (Beam & truss forces, displacement, and beam stress)



Presentation Slides






Speaker :  MIDASoft, Inc.

Category : Bridge

Software : midas Civil

Date : 2016-05-11