midas Civil Learning Season 1 Episode 1: Can You Build A Bridge in 3 Minutes?

Prestressed Concrete .

1 min read

Author: Hope Kang

Publish Date: 6 Oct, 2019

Special Thanks to

Engineers who contributed to this learning episode by providing questions and feedback.

  • Omar Shaban - "I am planning to use it in one of the bridges that we are designing, the bridge is flared and curved, I will see how Midas Civil will handle the geometry, I know the wizard is for constant width curve bridges, and the bridge below I guess it represents the same issue that I will face during design."
  • Tung For Ko - "What is the advantages of Midas compare to other common analysis software?"
  • Christian Duncan - "I would like to see an efficient way to model existing bridges in Midas Civil."
  • Reza Sehhati - "Make more presentation and training courses to ease the learning curve for the users."

Click Here to learn more about engineers' questions.



Steps to accomplish "Can You Build A Bridge in 3 Minutes?"


1. Download tutorial files


2. Follow the steps in tutorial


3. Send your finished model file to hopekang@midasoft.com


4. Please let me know that you sent an email by leaving a comments below! Otherwise, you will not be counted as completed. Any feedback would be appreciated, too! Please finish this step by Monday October 14th, 2019, for Starbucks gift card!


When I confirm your model file, I will send you a Episode 2 within a week. Thank you. I look forward to your submission!



Surprise gift!


Among engineers who accomplish all 10 episodes on time, we will select 10 engineers and send $30 Starbucks gift card for spending your coffee break with midas Civil.

* This reward is for engineers in the US & Canada only



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