Midas GTS NX: Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Railway Track

MIDAS GTS NX , Research Paper .

A super quick read.

Author: MIDASoft

Publish Date: 26 Dec, 2021

Sowmiya, L.S. Shahu, J.T. Gupta, K.K.



A ballast and a subballast layer placed above a compacted subgrade (formation soil) is the conventional structure of a railway track system. Upgrading the tracks with the current traffic condition requires the new design methodologies and the parametric studies to investigate the effect on the track system. For this purpose the geotechnical and tunnelling software called MIDAS (GTS) was used to create three dimensional finite element models. This finite element model was used to predict the displacement and the vertical stress along the track components. To validate the model the results have been compared with other numerical models. The effect of modulus of each track component was evaluated through a parametric study. The influence of subgrade modulus was higher when compared to ballast and subballast modulus"


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