MIDASoft - Bridge Library

Midas GTS NX: Congrats to Our 44th Annual DFI Conference Winner!!

Written by MIDASoft | Dec 26, 2021 3:00:00 PM

MIDASoft exhibited at the DFI 44th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations, on October 15-18, 2019, at the Hilton Chicago. The theme of the conference is > Future > Forward. The 2019 DFI conference hosted a wide range of geo-professionals that were able to display and deliberate multiple ways to continue to build  our current success and how to construct, design, and cultivate a better tomorrow for us and future generations. There were multiple speakers who discussed what they learned and discovered from past and present projects. There was a dedication recognizing individuals who made significant contributions and progression in the overall research, design, construction, manufacturing and use of deep foundations. 

We featured Geo-Structural engineering software, midas GTS NX, for designing and assessing performance of long-term stability of various structures and earthworks. The conference was a great opportunity to network, and explore various new products and we want to thank everyone who stopped by and congratulate Zachary Boswell for winning our raffle for 50" TV and all of our other winners for winning the MIDAS duffel bags!