Case study of Integral Bridge structure - Forder Valley Viaduct Bridge

A super quick read.

Author: MIDASoft

Publish Date: 3 Sep, 2019






1. Who We Are

2. Integral Bridges - An Overview 

3. Forder Valley Viaduct Bridge - Case Study

  1. Case Study Brief
  2. Shrinkage and Creep
  3. MIDAS Civil construction stage analysis
  4. Thermal action and its application in MIDAS Civil
  5. Earth pressure application in MIDAS Civil
  6. Global Static Analysis and Results discussion at construction stage and Post-construction stage

4. Conclusion




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Case study of Integral Bridge structure - Forder Valley Viaduct Bridge-2

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Case study of Integral Bridge structure - Forder Valley Viaduct Bridge-4









Speaker :  Mahesh Sankaran

Category : Bridge

Software : midas Civil

Date : 2019-03-26






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