MIDASoft - Bridge Library

Webinar: Final Design and Uplift Mitigation for a 300′ radius Steel Curved Girder Bridge

Written by Daniel Baxter | Nov 2, 2023 3:00:00 PM

During this session, MIDAS Expert Daniel Baxter P.E., S.E. - Senior Bridge Eng. & Bridge Dept. Manager at Michael Baker International, will provide a case study of final design and uplift mitigation for a new horizontally-curved steel curved plate girder bridge with a 300’ minimum radius, located in Duluth, MN. Site constraints required that the structure, Bridge 69905, fit a specific span length configuration, which resulted in permanent uplift under dead load at the structure’s north abutment. The design methods chosen to minimize this uplift will be described, including the use of staged installation of select cross-frames and counterweight design.

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