MIDASoft - Bridge Library

BrIM: Structure Health Monitoring with BrIM

Written by MIDASoft | Dec 26, 2021 3:00:00 PM

  Structure health monitoring (SHM) is the process of detecting structural conditions and prevent structural issues by utilizing sensors for the maintenance and operation of the structure. The world is transitioning into an ultra-connected society, and it is no exception to infrastructure. As the importance of the data grows, There is more interest in building a smart bridge. Furthermore, More investment in 5G infrastructure, more affordable detection sensors and technical advancement in cloud technology spurred the interest.


There are many on-going efforts to improve smart health monitoring around the world. In China, a structural health monitoring code was established. Cable-stayed bridge in Korea went operational with structural health monitoring enabled a decade ago. Many research projects are on development to improve SHM. The main benefit of the SHM is reducing time in decision making. The operator can obtain enough data to make a decision when the irregularity is detected. Also, the data collected over the structure's lifecycle can be utilized to predict the possible issues that might occur.

Bridge information modeling takes a critical role in creating digital twin for structural health monitoring. The BrIM helps visualizing the structure and identifying exact location of collected information providing intuitive location detection. SHM enables instant analysis on data with real-time monitoring and management of the structure's behavior. Another benefit of Brim integration is its connection to structural analysis. The information received by the sensor can be integrated into the structural model and run the required analysis to produce results to assist with decision making. This process will help reduce the cost of maintaining the structure. The BrIM will be used to create a better connection operator to the data obtained by SHM.