BrIM: Growing BrIM requirement for Bridge  Project

Construction Stage Analysis , BrIM , Projects .

1 min read

Author: MIDASoft

Publish Date: 19 Dec, 2021

BrIM requirement

    We have noticed growing requirement for bridge information model in recent project around US. Although 2D based plan is still the major part of the final deliverable, some projects require additional 3D model for the project. 3D BrIM deliverable enables better communication through more advanced electronic model throughout life cycle of the project. Currently, Many DOT does not have specific or set guideline for BrIM model. It tends to be determined by the purpose of the project. Here are what to expect for BrIM deliverable.


   First of all, It might not be a BrIM model deliverable when the project owner requires 3D model. You need to identify what project owner's intention is. In most cases It could just mean 3D structural analysis model for the project. 


The common requirements are as following.

1. 3D Bridge Information model with minimum of level of detail 200. (preferably As-built condition)

2. Elements needs to be divided into components.

3. It needs to have information for each component or available for future addition




Construction Bid Purpose


    Pre-construction phase is one of the stage that can benefit from visualization of BrIM model. Thus, many project owner require BrIM model for project management and bid purpose. 3D model can help project owner to manage bid from the contractor. This not only help contractor to visualize design they are bidding for, but also obtain corresponding information. Project can also be managed using the same model to track the construction phase and to allocate project fund for each stage. 


BrIM management

Operation and Management Purpose


    For larger new bridge projects, Project Owner wants to develop a model that can be utilized in terms of operation and management. This model will require more details to be utilized effectively. Project owner can establish BrIM model at the point of construction. This type of project requires higher level of detail in as built condition. It also requires items to be grouped and listed per AASHTO bridge element inspection. This type of deliverable takes longer time to develop and needs to have plan for how the model will be managed in the future.



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